לדלג לתוכן


מתוך ויקימילון, מיזם רב לשוני ליצירת מילון חופשי שיתופי.

ניתן ליצור תיעוד על היחידה הזאת בדף יחידה:languages/data/תיעוד

local u = mw.ustring.char
local export = {}

Here is a list of the language fields by order of frequency according to [[User:Erutuon/language_stuff]].
If the order changes, change the order here for potentially greater efficiency.

local fields = {

Insert the fields into the table with their values as their frequency ranking.
{export.most_common_field = 1, export.second_most_common_field = 2, ... }

for i, field in ipairs(fields) do
	export[field] = i
-- UTF-8 encoded strings for some commonly-used diacritics.
local c = {
	grave			= u(0x0300),
	acute			= u(0x0301),
	circ			= u(0x0302),
	tilde			= u(0x0303),
	macron			= u(0x0304),
	overline		= u(0x0305),
	breve			= u(0x0306),
	dotabove		= u(0x0307),
	diaer			= u(0x0308),
	ringabove		= u(0x030A),
	dacute			= u(0x030B),
	caron			= u(0x030C),
	lineabove		= u(0x030D),
	dgrave			= u(0x030F),
	invbreve		= u(0x0311),
	commaabove		= u(0x0313),
	revcommaabove	= u(0x0314),
	dotbelow		= u(0x0323),
	diaerbelow		= u(0x0324),
	ringbelow		= u(0x0325),
	cedilla			= u(0x0327),
	ogonek			= u(0x0328),
	brevebelow		= u(0x032E),
	macronbelow		= u(0x0331),
	perispomeni		= u(0x0342),
	ypogegrammeni	= u(0x0345),
	CGJ				= u(0x034F), -- combining grapheme joiner
	dbrevebelow		= u(0x035C),
	dinvbreve		= u(0x0361),
	kamora          = u(0x0484),
	dasiapneumata   = u(0x0485),
	psilipneumata   = u(0x0486),
	kashida			= u(0x0640),
	fathatan		= u(0x064B),
	dammatan		= u(0x064C),
	kasratan		= u(0x064D),
	fatha			= u(0x064E),
	damma			= u(0x064F),
	kasra			= u(0x0650),
	shadda			= u(0x0651),
	sukun			= u(0x0652),
	hamzaabove		= u(0x0654),
	nunghunna		= u(0x0658),
	smallv			= u(0x065A),
	superalef		= u(0x0670),
	psili			= u(0x1FBD),
	coronis			= u(0x1FBF),
	ZWNJ			= u(0x200C), -- zero width non-joiner
	ZWJ				= u(0x200D), -- zero width joiner
	RSQuo			= u(0x2019), -- right single quote
	VS01			= u(0xFE00), -- variation selector 1
	-- Punctuation to be used for standardChars field.
	punc			= " !#%%&'%(%)%*%+,%-%./:;<=>%?@%[\\%]^_`{|}~∅"
export.chars = c

-- PUA characters, generally used in sortkeys.
-- Note: if the limit needs to be increased, do so in powers of 2 (due to the way memory is allocated for tables).
local p = {}
for i = 1, 32 do
	p[i] = u(0xF000+i-1)
export.puaChars = p

local s = {}
-- These values are placed here to make it possible to synchronise a group of languages without the need for a dedicated function module.

s["cau-Cyrl-displaytext"] = {
	from = {"[IlІӀ]", "ᴴ"},
	to = {"ӏ", "ᵸ"}

s["cau-Cyrl-entryname"] = {
	remove_diacritics = c.grave .. c.acute .. c.macron,
	from = s["cau-Cyrl-displaytext"].from,
	to = s["cau-Cyrl-displaytext"].to

s["cau-Latn-entryname"] = {remove_diacritics = c.grave .. c.acute .. c.macron}

s["Cyrs-entryname"] = {remove_diacritics = c.grave .. c.acute ..  c.diaer .. c.kamora .. c.dasiapneumata .. c.psilipneumata}

s["Cyrs-sortkey"] = {
	from = {
		"ї", "оу", -- 2 chars
		"ґ", "ꙣ", "є", "[ѕꙃꙅ]", "ꙁ", "[іꙇ]", "[ђꙉ]", "[ѻꙩꙫꙭꙮꚙꚛ]", "ꙋ", "[ѡѿꙍѽ]", "ꙑ", "ѣ", "ꙗ", "ѥ", "ꙕ", "[ѧꙙ]", "[ѩꙝ]", "ꙛ", "ѫ", "ѭ", "ѯ", "ѱ", "ѳ", "ѵ", "ҁ" -- 1 char
	to = {
		"и" .. p[1], "у",
		"г" .. p[1], "д" .. p[1], "е", "ж" .. p[1], "з", "и" .. p[1], "и" .. p[2], "о", "у", "х" .. p[1], "ы", "ь" .. p[1], "ь" .. p[2], "ь" .. p[3], "ю", "я", "я" .. p[1], "я" .. p[2], "я" .. p[3], "я" .. p[4], "я" .. p[5], "я" .. p[6], "я" .. p[7], "я" .. p[8], "я" .. p[9]

s["Grek-sortkey"] = {
	remove_diacritics = c.grave .. c.acute .. c.diaer .. c.caron .. c.commaabove .. c.revcommaabove .. c.diaerbelow .. c.brevebelow .. c.perispomeni .. c.ypogegrammeni,
	from = {"ς"},
	to = {"σ"}

local HaniChars = require("Module:scripts").getByCode("Hani"):getCharacters()
s["Kore-entryname"] = {
	remove_diacritics = u(0x302E) .. u(0x302F),
	from = {"([" .. HaniChars .. "])%(.-%)", "(.)%-(.)", "%([" .. HaniChars .. "]+%)"},
	to = {"%1", "%1%2"}

s["Mong-displaytext"] = {
	from = {"([ᠨ-ᡂᡸ])ᠶ([ᠨ-ᡂᡸ])", "([ᠠ-ᡂᡸ])ᠸ([^ᠠ-ᠧ])", "([ᠠ-ᡂᡸ])ᠸ$"},
	to = {"%1ᠢ%2", "%1ᠧ%2", "%1ᠧ"}

s["Mong-entryname"] = s["Mong-displaytext"]

s["roa-oil-sortkey"] = {
	remove_diacritics = c.grave .. c.acute .. c.circ .. c.diaer .. c.ringabove .. c.cedilla .. "'",
	from = {"æ", "œ"},
	to = {"ae", "oe"}

s["Tibt-displaytext"] = {
	from = {"ༀ", "༌", "།།", "༚༚", "༚༝", "༝༚", "༝༝", "ཷ", "ཹ", "ེེ", "ོོ"},
	to = {"ཨོཾ", "་", "༎", "༛", "༟", "࿎", "༞", "ྲཱྀ", "ླཱྀ", "ཻ", "ཽ"}

s["Tibt-entryname"] = s["Tibt-displaytext"]

export.shared = s

-- Short-term solution to override the standard substitution process, by forcing the module to substitute the entire text in one pass. This results in any PUA characters that are used as stand-ins for formatting being handled by the language-specific substitution process, which is usually undesirable.
-- This override is provided for languages which use formatting between strings of text which might need to interact with each other (e.g. Korean 값이 transliterates as "gaps-i", but [[값]] has the formatting '''값'''[[-이]]. The normal process would split the text at the second '''.)
export.contiguous_substitution = {
	["jje"] = "tr",
	["ko"] = "tr",

return export